
Archive for March 5th, 2010|Daily archive page

Valve Announces Portal 2 – Joy Ensues

In Videogames on March 5, 2010 at 9:10 PM

All the rumors regarding Portal 2 have been confirmed today, as Valve issued an official statement announcing its intended release for the 2010 holiday season.  Just last week, Valve patched Portal including ARG elements and a slightly altered ending that hinted to the announcement. Read the rest of this entry »

If Only David Cage Could Write as Well as He Talks

In Videogames on March 5, 2010 at 7:03 AM

David Cage is nothing if not amusing.  The man is a quote machine – a journalist’s best friend.  His interviews produce fodder a passive observer would consider outlandish, self-aggrandizing propaganda. Unfortunately gaming journalism has devolved into a fanboy convention whose entire purpose is to pour ceaseless praise on anything that looks pretty or claims to be innovative.

Case in point: Heavy Rain.  For the last two months, David Cage has made himself look like the world’s most self-righteous gaming martyr.  He views himself as a modern day Jesus, a man who has sacrificed everything to save to world of gaming one motion captured frame at a time.  Read the rest of this entry »